L A C E H O U S E The Changing Room attempts to subvert spatial and material dualisms. Public/private, inside/outside, masculine/feminine, and hard/soft are normally viewed in opposition. This thesis aims to use the constraint of dichotomy as a source for invention. Fabric, explored as structure, blurs the edges of dualist assumptions. This hybrid space is at once hard and soft, public and private, blurring and merging gender and material boundaries. T H E C H A N G I N G R O O M Projected fabric swatches illuminate various fabric casts- hard pillows, cellulite surfaces and lace bricks. The installation acts as an exhibition, revealing, masking and concealing gender space issues. WA L L P A P E R Experimental lace cut work installation in DAAP, Design, Art, Architecture and Planning wall. Fabric, paper, rubber, and sound board laser cut and assembled with different repetitions. Interactive light wallpaper.